Using R

A tutorial about data analysis using R (Website Version)


Jon Yearsley

School of Biology and Environmental Science, UCD


September, 2024

How to Read this Tutorial

This tutorial is a mixture of R code chunks and explanations of the code. The R code chunks will appear in boxes.

Below is an example of a chunk of R code:

# This is a chunk of R code. All text after a # symbol is a comment
# Set working directory using setwd() function
setwd('Enter the path to my working directory')

# Clear all variables in R's memory
rm(list=ls())    # Standard code to clear R's memory

Sometimes the output from running this R code will be displayed after the chunk of code.

Here is a chunk of code followed by the R output

2 + 4            # Use R to add two numbers
[1] 6


The objectives of this tutorial are:

  1. Provide an overview of R’s basic functions
  2. Describe the types of data R understands
  3. Introduce arrays of numbers

R the calculator (operators)

Artithmetic operators

R is really good at doing arithmetic.

Have a go at typing in these calculations at the command prompt.


Remember the command prompt is the > in the console window

2+3              # 2 plus 3 (addition operator)
2-3              # 2 minus 3 (subtraction operator)
2*3              # 2 multiplied by 3 (multiplication operator)
2/3              # 2 divided by 3 (division operator)
2^3              # 2 to the power of 3 (power operator)

Example of typing a calculation at the command prompt

Relational operators

R can tell you whether statements are TRUE or FALSE. These are called **logical statements*.

Here is an example of typing some logical statements at the command prompt (these use the “less than”, <, and “greater than”, >, symbols)

Example of typing a logical statement at the command prompt
Table 1: All the basic relational operators
Symbol Definition
== equals to (note the double equals sign)
!= not equals to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
< less than
<= less than or equal to
# ****************************************************
# Examples of relational calculations -------------------

2 == 3                # Is 2 equal to 3?
2 < 3                 # Is 2 less than 3?
[1] TRUE

Here are some more logical statements for you to try

2 != 3                # Is 2 not equal to 3?
'A' == 'B'            # Is 'A' equal to 'B'?
'A' == 'a'            # Is 'A' equal to 'a'?

The continuation prompt, +

If we send only part of a command to R it will recognize that the command is incomplete by displaying the continuation prompt (the symbol +). This prompt means R is waiting for the rest of the command.

Here is an example of the continuation prompt because a multiplication is missing the second number. Typing the missing part of the calculation at the continuation prompt allows R to complete the calculation.

To remove a continuation prompt and return to the command prompt, press the Esc key

Mathematical functions

R can do much more than arithmetic. There are a huge range of mathematical functions at your fingertips.

Here are some examples to try…

# ****************************************************
# Mathematical functions -----------------------------

cos(2/3)              # cosine of 2/3
exp(2)                # exponential function of 2
log10(2)              # logarithm (base 10) of 2
log(2)                # logarithm (base e) of 2
sqrt(2)               # square-root of 2
2^0.5                 # square-root of 2
3^2                   # 3 to the power of 2
round(5/3, digits=3)  # round 5/3 to 3 decimal places  
signif(5/3, digits=3) # round 5/3 to 3 significant figures  
floor(5/3)            # round 5/3 to the largest integer less than 5/3  
abs(-1.4)             # absolute value, ignore the minus sign

Large and small numbers (exponents)

R uses an exponent notation to display very large and very small numbers.

A 70kg human has roughly 30 trillon cells in their body (that is 3 x 1013 in scientific notation). That’s a large number. R replaces the x 10+13 with e+13

# Number of cells in a 70 kg human
[1] 3e+13

The average weight of a human cell is 70 kg divided by 30 trillion. That’s a very small number. Very small numbers are also represented using the same notation (the e in e-12 stands for exponent).


In a scientific report 2.3e-12 should be written in scientific notation as 2.3 x 10-12.

# Average weight of a human cell (kg)
70 / 3e13
[1] 2.333333e-12

Assigning names

The result of a calculation can be given a name using the assignment operator <-


Giving a name is called assignment

Below we assign the name a to the result of the calculation 2 + 3

a <- 2 + 3        # Assign the output the name 'a'
a                 # Display the value of 'a'
[1] 5

Once a name is assigned it can be used in future calculations. For example,

a / 10          # Use the name 'a' in a calculation
[1] 0.5

Names can also be assigned using =. The = and <- assignment operators are almost identical in how they work.

Example of of assigning a name to a number

Arrays of numbers


A collection of several numbers is called an array. An array allows one name to be assigned to a group of numbers.

For example, the whole numbers from 1 to 10 could be combined together as an array

c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)        # An array of numbers
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

You can find more information on working with arrays at

Creating an array

An array can be created using the c() function that combines several numbers (this is known as the combine function)

b <- c(1,2,3,5,7) # An array of the first 5 prime numbers
b                 # Display the value of variable 'b'
[1] 1 2 3 5 7

An array of whole numbers can be quickly created using a colon (:)

c(5:15)         # An array of whole numbers from 5 to 15
 [1]  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Data types in R

Data can be broadly divided into two types (quantitative and qualitative). Within these two types R makes finer distinctions.

The main data types in R are called:

  1. Quantitative data:
  • Real numbers: numeric (num)
  • Whole numbers (integers): integer (int)
  1. Qualitative data:
  • Text (characters & strings): character (chr)
  • Logicals (booleans): logical (logi)
  • Factors (categorical): factor

Quantitative Data Types

A typical number (a real number) is given the data type num (num standard for numerical). A real number is quantitative data.

You can see the data type of a variable using the str() function (this function displays the structure of the variable).

x1 <- 2.45          # Numerical (R's data type='num') 
 num 2.45

A whole number (an integer) can be given the data type num, or it can be explicitly distinguished as a whole number using the data type int (int stands for integer). A whole number is quantitative data.

You can see the data type of a variable using the str() function (this function displays the structure of the variable).

x2 <- 5             # Numerical whole number (R's data type='num') 
 num 5
x3 <- as.integer(5) # Numerical whole number (R's data type='int') 
 int 5

Qualitative Data Types

Text (either a single letter/number or a series of letters/numbers) is given the data type chr (chr standard for character). A character is qualitative data (see the section labelled ‘Factor’).

You can see the data type of a variable using the str() function (this function displays the structure of the variable).

x4 <- 's'           # Character (R's data type='chr')
 chr "s"
x5 <- 'hello'       # Character string (R's data type='chr')
 chr "hello"

Logical variables (i.e. variables that can only take the values TRUE or FALSE) are given the data type logi (logi standard for logical).

You can see the data type of a variable using the str() function (this function displays the structure of the variable).

x6 <- TRUE          # Logical (TRUE/FALSE) (R's data type='logi')
 logi TRUE
x7 <- NA            # A missing value (R explicitly recognises missing data)
 logi NA

A factor is a qualitative variable that forms a list of names. Qualitative variables are given the data type Factor.

You can see the data type of a variable using the str() function (this function displays the structure of the variable).

 # An array of place names as a factor
x8 <- as.factor(c('Dublin','Cork','Galway')) 
 Factor w/ 3 levels "Cork","Dublin",..: 2 1 3

Factors will be important when we start to analyse data because there is an important distinction between quantitative data and qualitative data.

Missing data, NA

Missing data are data points points that could not be recorded for some reason. Missing data is an important type of data that R explicitly recognizes. R uses the value NA to represent missing data. Missing data should not be set to a value (e.g. 0) because this can be misinterpreted as being the value zero!

Missing data should be included in data sets and explicitly represented. For example, if we had failed to record the number 5 in a data set of whole numbers it would be represented as

# Explicitly record missing data as NA
k <- c(1,2,3,4,NA,6,7)    
You must tell R to ignore NA’s

R must account for missing data when performing calculations. R will not give an answer if a calculation contains missing data.

By default R will not remove missing data (see video above)

This means you must tell R to remove missing data before performing a calculation. Many of R’s statistical functions have an argument na.rm=TRUE which tells R to remove missing values before performing a calculation.

If a calculation produces the answer NA then try using na.rm=TRUE

mean(k, na.rm=T)   # Calculate mean after removing missing data
[1] 3.833333

Logical variables

A logical variable can take one of two values, TRUE or FALSE. Logical variables are very useful for manipulating data.

Single logical expressions

Here are some examples of logical expressions (using some of the operators from above) and their logical output

2.5 > 1          # Is 2.5 greater than 1?
[1] TRUE
-1  <= 3         # Is -1 less than or equal to 3?
[1] TRUE

Some more for you to try…

5 == 2           # Is 5 equal to 2 (NOTE: logical equals is ==)?
5 != 2           # Is 5 not equal to 2?

Logical calculations can be performed on variables. In this example we use the variable b from above,

b != 5           # Is each element of b not equal to 5 

Combining logical expressions

Logical expressions can be combined. There are three basic operations for this (Table 2):

Table 2: The three logical operators that can be used to combine relational operations
Symbol Definition
! logical NOT
& logical AND
| logical OR

An example of an AND statement

# Combine two logical expressions using & (logical AND)

(b!=5) & (b>2)   # b not equal to 5 AND b greater than 2

An example of an OR statement

# Combine two logical expressions using | (logical OR)

(b!=5) | (b>2)   # b not equal to 5 OR b greater than 2

Summary of topics

  • Using R as an advanced calculator
  • Exponential notation for large and small numbers
  • Variables and arrays
  • Missing data
  • Logical Variables

Further Reading

All these books can be found in UCD’s library

  • Andrew P. Beckerman and Owen L. Petchey, 2012 Getting Started with R: An introduction for biologists (Oxford University Press, Oxford) [Chapter 1, 2]
  • Mark Gardner, 2012 Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel (Pelagic, Exeter) [Chapter 3]
  • Michael J. Crawley, 2015 Statistics : an introduction using R (John Wiley & Sons, Chichester) [Appendix]
  • Tenko Raykov and George A Marcoulides, 2013 Basic statistics: an introduction with R (Rowman and Littlefield, Plymouth)
  • John Verzani, 2005 Using R for introductory statistics (Chapman and Hall, London) [Chapter 1]